President Justin Sallaway called the meeting to order. Paul Stone led the Pledge of Allegiance, Susanne McInerney led us in song with "God Bless America".

 Death By Chocolate Update

 Mary Kern gave an update about this event, which will take place on Sunday, January 27, 2013 from 1:00 - 4:00.  We have beaten our sponsorship record! HOWEVER, we will still take sponsors, so send them Mary's way!  We have 13 vendors, but quite a few who are interested, but we have not yet gotten committments from them.  We collected a whopping $240 for the Lottery Basket, but we did over $400 last year, so let's shoot for that number.  Next week, Mary will collect again for the lottery basket.  The basket went for over $800 last year, so it's one of the biggest draws at the Silent Auction! Mary will bring the sign up list for volunteers next week.  We are still accepting Silent Auction items, so send them Mary's way! 

Gift of Life Update.

Mark Epstein--next week Gift of Life Child will arrive a week from tomorrow from Dominican Republic.  Maya has significant heart issues, and was born in July.  Need some help--visits and rides.  This is the first child with Special Needs in the history of the Gift of Life New England. Hospitals only have so many free care allotments, but they made it happened!  Guardian Angel Motor Sports raised the money and they raised $5,000 to completely fund the Gift of Life child and a an extra $1,000 towards next year's child. Bravo to Mark for his commitment and perseverance!

 NOTE:   Marc sent the following update (which is as of today, January 16):

Omit Naty and her daughter Zomaya will be arriving from the Dominic republic a week from tonight.

I was planning to take then to our death by chocolate event on Sunday. The pre op is Monday and Surgery is Tuesday.

I have been advised that it is not a good idea to have them out in areas with people before the surgery to make sure that they do not catch the flu or anything else.

We will be taking them to our home in NH for a few days before and will not be able to attend the Death by Chocolate event.

I am looking to borrow some warm clothes for them for their stay. They do not have any use for warm clothes to bring back with them.

However if anyone also has some regular clothes they are interested in giving them we usually send them home with some that we have collected.

Newton Has Talent Update

Chris Chu and Susanne McInerney updated us that Dan Rea will be Master of Ceremonies.  Mayor Setti Warren has been approached to be a judge--but we don't hold out too much hope, as it may be a little too political to be judging the good citizens of Newton.  We are still looking for celebrity judges--talk to Susanne or Chris if you have an idea.  We have a Facebook Page, Twitter Account and the Website is almost ready. The Y donated the posters and fliers to be put up around Newton.  We need sponsors end acts to enter. Marie Presti is in charge of sponsors, and sponsorship opportunities will be emailed out to Rotarians. 

Membership Committee:

Chris asked that all those who have not yet updated their rotary information to please do it today.

Sargent at Arms Report

Harriet Fink was our guest and potential Rotarian--handed out gluten free cookies. She will be a vendor at Death By Chocolate this year!

Speakers for today are Nikki Shearman and Laura Dedominicis from Nurturing Minds in Africa.

Mark enlightened us with Michael Jordan's finances, and in a nutshell, explained to us all how how far out of our league monetarily Michael Jordan is from us...and how far out of Michael Jordan's league monitarily Bill Gates is!


There is a new card deck, but Justin forgot the cards! No raffle--but next week we will be back in business!

Happy Dollars

Lots of happy rotarians as usual!


Nurturing Minds is a non profit prganization based in the US but operates in Africa. This 5 year old organization, founded by Polly Dolan believes that girls' education is the way to affect change and reduce poverty in Tanzania.
