Please attend the District Governor Visit!
We are pleased to join our fellow Rotarians of Weston & Wayland Clubs for a joint District Governor visit at Weston Golf Club for an evening to learn more about District Governor Joyce Graff's plan for the district and to engage in dialogue and community.
The District Governor’s role is to lead clubs, inspire Rotary members, and engage the general public on the important role fulfilled by Rotary in our communities.
Please join us and welcome Joyce Graff!
Newton Rotary Members:
Please register by September 1st at 6:00 pm. USING THIS LINK - register as a GUEST
Indicate if you have any dietary restrictions we can relay to the Chef at The Weston Golf Club in the "comments" field.
You can pay online by credit card prior to the meeting as indicated here or, cash or check at the event:
Online Payment Directions
- On the home page you will see on the left side in Blue: MAKE A DONATION OR PAYMENT
- In the “Total Amount” field: 36.00
- Please tell us what your donation supports: DG Visit 9/5/24
- Address Information - Fill in Shipping and Billing fields
- Fill in Email address
- Credit Card Info - Note: Under the expiration date field it should look like this - 0101 - no dashes
Please Note:
The club has a No Denim policy, business casual is fine.
The club is Handicap Accessible
The “circle” in front of the club is for members only (unless handicap spaces are needed).