written by Marie with Help from Chris Chu (Thanks Chris)

Mary called the meeting to order at 1:30PM

Pledge of allegiance was led by Peggy Lapore

Invocation was given by Tom Keery

Song was led by Chris Chu.  She sang My Country Tis of Thee.

Stella our Sergeant of Arms introduced our guest, Paul Sullivan.  Today is Paul's last day as visitor since he will be inducted as a member.  She gave us a funny joke.

Announcements:  Dick announced the Min Horiuchi, a long term Newton Rotarian, passed away.  His family is having a memorial event on Oct 6th from 2-5 at the Burlington Marriott.  Email Kayhoriuchi@gmail.com.  Tom, Dick, and Marie, & Jim expressed interest in going to honor him.

Marie announced that they are doing a Senior Safety Day on Friday Sept 13th from 1-4.  Anyone interested in helping out should contact her.

Mary announced that the Providence Bruins is having a Rotary night on Oct 18th at 7:05 at the Dunk Arena.  Email Mary if you're interested in going.

Chris announced that on Oct 26th there is a Rotary Leadership Institute day at the Boxborough Holiday In.  $75 cost but our club will reimburse you if you go.

Sept 10 there is a membership forum with the district.

Mary had two membership items.  First Sue already had been inducted but never got her pin.  So they officially gave it to her today.  Second, Paul Sullivan was inducted as a member.

Peggy's ticket was picked but it was the Queen of Clubs.  Better luck next time Peggy.

Happy Dollars

David Sellers was happy to be back.

Sue for her weekend and her son graduating this year

Jeff to welcome Paul

Stella gave $10 for her 10 day camping trip

Chris for Paul

Marie for Paul and Min

Justin happy to be back

Paul for Min

Tom for 1) Paul 2) Min 3) Dave 4) nephews wedding hes going to on Nantucket

Ed for Paul, Min, and the fact that he is now part time at his bank

John for Paul, Min

Peggy for Paul (and noted we now have 3 Pauls)

Dick for Paul

Tony for Paul

Bill $2 for Paul and Min and $10 for Helen and he leaving for a trip until end of October.  They have a wedding in Kentucky and visiting their kids in CT.

Chris $5 going to LA tomorrow for her moms 90th bday

Mary for Paul since its Mary's first new member with her as President.  She also announced that Pat Palmer took a 6 month leave of absence and Mary was named the interim President and CEO.  

Paul Sullivan gave $10 and said he hopes to become a very active member.

Paul Kerrissey gave a happy dollar for the 9/12 meeting and said he offered drinks for people who attend.


Jeff Tucker gave a talk on Genetic Testing.  Its a service called "23andme".  You mail in your salivia in a test tube and in 6 weeks you get the results.

similar to diagnostic imaging

like a chromosomal "linked-in"

Jeff showed his ancestry which is 99.9% European and .1% Subsarian African

It can show genetic disposition for many diseases
Mary with Paul Sullivan



