Justin Sallaway called the first meeting of the New Year to order.

Paul Stone led us in "The Pledge of Allegiance",  Chris Chu led us song with "My Country Tis of Thee", and Justin gave an invocation.


Paul Kerrissey read the slate of Officers which will take effect July 1, 2013:

President--Mary Kern

President Elect--Mark Nichols

Vice President--Indira Desai

Sargent at Arms--Stella Pang

Treasurer--Jeff Tucker

Recording Secretary--Chris Chu

Ex-Officio--Justin Sallaway


Board of Directors:

Dave Sellers

Marianna Dagatti

Marie Presti

Jim Means

Tony Bibbo

Justin Sallaway-Ex Officio


Tom Keery moved that the nominations be accepted; Paul Stone seconded, and the motion passed.

Tom Keery also nominated Paul Kerrissey to be the Nomination Chair again, and it was unanimously approved.

Mary Kern gave a Death By Chocolate update:

We are getting down to the wire, and we need more sponsors and auction items.  Mary will be reaching out to those who sponsored last year, and donated auction items.  If you did not donate, there's still time!  Thanks to all who who have donated!  Those of you who have not donated should check out potential "regifts" from Christmas to add to the auction basket.

Jeff Tucker reminded us that we are also doing a Lottery Basket from the entire club, and Indira Desai gave the first donation to the lottery basket and the whole club joined in! In all, $240 was collected, which is a great start!  Mary will be collecting again next week, so bring some dough!

Tom Keery gave an update on Newton Has Talent-- Marie Presti has been "hired" as Director of Sales. She will begin looking for sponsorships and donations after Death By Chocolate so as not to overburden and "double dip" from our gracious sponsors. Good luck in your new position, Marie, and I hope it included a huge pay raise! 

Tom Keery will talk to Brae Burn about what we can expect in the Spring, ie. with price, dates, etc., as there will be a new manager. 

The financials were approved at the Board Meeting and Jeff Tucker reminded us that Quarterly bills will be going out.  There may be an adjustment second quarter depending on how much we will be paying at Brae Burn. 


Unfortunately, the Newton Fire Department came in and cleaned our closet, and the basket and raffle tickets were thrown out, so there will be no raffle today.

Justin is till looking for speakers for February and March, so keep them coming!

HAPPY DOLLARS:  Lots of happy Rotary Members!

SPEAKER:  None other than Rotary Member Paul StonePaul talked about his experiences in the Navy during World War II.
